Schoolage Health & Safety
Another Newtown is Not Inevitable
My heart goes out to the families and friends of those who lost their lives in this horrific tragedy. There are no words that can heal your pain. There is no action that can undo what has been wrongly…
Food Allergies A Bigger Problem Than Previously Reported
Dr. Greene's take on the increase in food allergies... If it seems like nowadays there's someone in every school classrooms with a food allergy, that's because almost 1 in 12 kids today have food alle…
Secondhand Smoke and Kids’ Sleep
Who would want to give their children nightmares? Or night terrors? Who wants to make bedtime battles worse? Who would want to make it take longer for their children to fall asleep once they get in be…
Pomegranate Juice Prevents Early Puberty?
Recent headlines have trumpeted an exciting study about how pomegranate juice may prove very useful at preventing and even treating breast cancer. In test tubes, it's proven quite effective against br…
Cholesterol, Drugs, and Kids
Controversial new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics call for more children to get their cholesterol checked, starting as young as age 2, and for some kids to be started on statin drug…
Superbugs at School (and Preschool)
MRSA infections now kill more Americans than does HIV/AIDS, according to a CDC report in the October 17, 2007 Journal of the American Medical Association. Most of these infections are in adults over a…
Stress, Asthma, and 6 Weeks Later!
Bouts of asthma come and go, brought on by various triggers. How might stressful life events affect asthma attacks? To find out, researchers tracked the frequency and severity of asthma attacks in sch…
Your Child’s Brain
One important way to take care of your child's brain is to protect it from injury. Thankfully, wearing helmets has become common and cool while riding bikes. I hope helmets become just as natural duri…
Higher Fiber, Later Periods
Girls who eat foods rich in fiber can reduce their risk of having their first period early by almost 50 percent, according to a study published in the April 2002 issue of Public Health Nutrition. (mor…
Gun Safety – Too Many Kids Die
Half the homes in the United States contain firearms. Even if children don't have them in their own homes, they are likely to encounter them in the homes of neighbors and relatives. Firearm safety edu…
Unusual Breath Odors & What They Mean
In children with good oral hygiene, smelly breath that persists throughout the day is most often the result of mouth-breathing, which dries out the mouth and allows the bacteria to grow. Saliva cleans…