Great Food Can Improve Brain Development (Even Before Birth)
What we eat – and what our kids eat – affects so much in life: appearance, energy, cognition, focus, mood, how often we get sick, how quickly we get better, how likely we are to develop a chronic …

Bridging the Gap: La Conexión’s Impact in the Philippines
Above: The Vice Governor of Catanduanes met with the La Conexión team. From left Peter Cua, Vice Governor of Catanduanes, Aries Calunsag from CASI, Michael Diehl volunteer, Sarah Tanner from Traditio…

La Conexión: Global connections for better health
How La Conexión Works Our goal is to make connections between eager expert clinicians* and local resources. We do that by: Establishing a relationship between an individual expert clinician and a loc…

5 Things Parents Should Look for in Their Children’s Medical Records
Here are five things I think parents should look for in their children’s medical records and have at their fingertips: BMI Percent – Parents are often stunningly wrong about whether or not their c…

COVID-Bivalent Booster for Children: Should your child get one?
A recent study showed that there is a 43% increase in autoimmune diseases in the months following a COVID infection. And autoimmune diseases among kids were already on the rise. The question becomes h…

Reducing Viral Spread in Schools: France Makes Proactive Move to Measure and Reduce CO2 Levels in School and Daycare
One of my favorite gadgets from the pandemic is the AraNet 4 CO2 monitor. I carry it with me whenever I am curious about an indoor space. This easy-to-use monitor gives a simple red-yellow-green readi…

TLC Todd-versations: Todd Linsky in Conversation with Dr. Alan Greene
Todd Linsky, a food and organic industry veteran, hosts the podcast Todd-versations. He interviews guests from around the globe — influencers, leaders, and innovators in their respective fields.…

Cool Medical Tools
My longtime friend, Kevin Kelly, author, world traveler, and futurist invited me to join him on the Cool Tools podcast. He wanted me to share my most recent medical “Cool Medical Tools”. H…

Farm to Taste: Nourishing your microbiome
Farm to Taste is hosted by mother-daughter dynamo Cindy Gershen and Rose Stein. Cindy is a chef, author, activist, and teacher. Rose is a nutritionist and lifestyle coach. They asked me to join the te…

Dr. Greene’s Guide to Holiday Toy Selection
Here is my guide to toy selection. I hope it helps you with your shopping. Categories of Healthy Toys Before making your toy selection, let’s discuss healthy categories of toys. Especially in…

Surprising Infant Formula Ingredients
Added sugar is one of the biggest problems not only in kids’ diets but in the American diet overall. Added sugar is fueling the childhood obesity epidemic. But our childhood obesity problems st…

Free Universal School Meals: A Crucial Public Health and Social Justice Move for California and the Nation
Expanding Universal School Meals for All is a massive win for public health and social justice. California is now the first state to provide free breakfast and lunch to all public school students for …

Normal Toddler Behavior vs ADHD
An official diagnosis of ADHD can be hard to pinpoint as its symptoms can often be indicative of other conditions, but it is especially hard to diagnose in children under the age of four, as most chil…

Vaccine FAQ: Autism, Immunity, Mercury, Safety, SIDS
How Is Vaccine Safety Monitored? Like antibiotics, vaccines have prevented unfathomable suffering, but some parents may worry about the potential side effects of giving them to their children. Immuniz…

Podcast: Mom Driven, Doctor Aligned
Thanks for joining us for Mom Driven, Doctor Aligned Dr. Alan Greene and Agatha Relota Luczo, supermodel and mother of four, discuss important parenting and children’s health issues. They are jo…

Social-Emotional Health During the Pandemic
And now the holidays are approaching – a time for joy and connection, but also a time of increased stress, especially if experiencing the loss of elements of previous special seasons. We know that d…

Getting Beyond 2020!
And this is not just happening in the United States. This kind of division is happening around the world. The impact of this election, and this time in the world, will have a life-long impact on our c…

When Will this $%!# Pandemic End?
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a worldwide effect for what seems like an eternity. After shelter-in-place orders became more prevalent in March, most people probably didn’t think they’d still…

Don’t Boost Your Immunity – Optimize It!
One of the most common questions that I’m getting right now is how to boost the immune system and it makes sense. People want to know how to protect themselves from infection. I want to shar…

Allergies, Colds and COVID: How to Tell the Difference
What follows is a breakdown of the symptoms of allergies, cold and flu, along with what we know so far about COVID. My hope is that this will provide parents with a quick checklist that can help asses…