
The Window of Opportunity for Teaching Your Kids Great Eating Habits
Dr. Greene's take on great eating habits... What does mother goose have to do with getting kids to eat right? Researcher Konrad Lorentz showed that by replacing a mother goose with something else as t…

Why are there so many more food allergies today?
Dr. Greene's take on food allergies... You probably already know that our kids are growing up in a pretty tough world, and part of the challenge is being certain what to feed your young ones. Since th…

Touch is as Important to Infant Health as Eating and Sleeping
Baby massage may seem superfluous or silly to some people, but it's popularity is growing in the U.S. and it has actually been practiced for centuries in many cultures around the world. But, does it h…

5 Smart Tips for Letting Toddlers Use Smartphones
It's becoming an ever more common sight: babies and kids playing with smartphones. According to NPR's Health Blog, one recent survey found that as many as 1 in 4 toddlers has used a smartphone and for…

Father: Past, Present, and Future
Even before our babies are born, we are teaching them about the world around us. We communicate our choices, our values, even without thinking about it. They hear our voices, smell our aromas, and the…

Their Eyes Tell the Story: Babies Fascinated By What You Say
Guessing what babies and toddlers are thinking about can be difficult before they have words to tell the story. Over the first year parents usually do get increasingly adept at recognizing when their …

Breast Milk’s Subtle Flavor Magic
Dr. Greene's take on the flavors of breast milk... Interestingly, babies tend to suck more vigorously when a new flavor is introduced into their mothers' diet (even if the mothers don't notice the cha…

When Does the Flavor Hit Breast Milk?
As you might expect, different flavors appear to take a different amount of time to enter breast milk. In one recent study, researchers gave breastfeeding mothers capsules of banana, caraway seed, lic…

About the WhiteOut Movement
Dr. Greene explains the WhiteOut movement... "Let every child's first grain be a whole grain. There's no good reason not to. They won't mind. They'll thank you." And let every child's first food be a…

Tylenol No Longer Deemed a Pain Reliever for Babies & Toddlers
Tylenol for Babies & Toddlers?!? The FDA's Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee and Pediatric Advisory Committee have together recommended that "pain relief" be removed from the label of Tyle…

Mythbusting: Carrots, Nitrates, and Homemade Baby Food
Dr. Greene's take on homemade baby food... Foodie Tuesday Parents are often told that it is not safe to feed their babies carrots cooked at home; only give them what comes in a jar. I disagree! The wo…

How did we get here? WhiteOut Now!
Watch Dr. Greene talk about the WhiteOut Now campaign... Would you feed your baby a spoonful of sugar for her first bite of solid food? Of course you wouldn't. Today, the first bite of solid food for …

WhiteOut FAQ: No More White Rice Cereal for Babies!
Quick Links: What is the goal of the WhiteOut campaign? What is in white rice baby cereal? Why is white rice baby cereal a bad mistake? How many food experiences does it take to form a lasting food pr…

BPA, Sperm, Masculinity, and the Average American Guy
A new study suggests that typical BPA exposure may be affecting the masculinity, semen quality, and sperm count of the average American guy. And young boys often have even more BPA exposure than adult…

Danger in a Spray Bottle: Why It’s Time to Change Our Childproofing Strategy
Dr. Greene's take on the household spray bottle... For years doctors have encouraged parents to store toxic household cleaning products in locked cabinets, out of sight and reach of children. While th…

Another Reason We Must Support Nursing Moms
A new Harvard analysis has calculated what we could accomplish if 90 percent of babies drank only breast milk for the first six months of life. The starting point for this analysis was a group of ten …

I had to write this book!
I wrote Feeding Baby Greene to help you learn how to teach your children to recognize and love healthy amounts of healthy foods, starting even before birth. That's what I call Nutritional Intelligence…

Every Parent Should Learn about Food Imprinting
Dr. Greene's take on food imprinting... What and how our kids eat is central to their health both now and in the long run. Your early food decisions can help your child learn good food in much the sam…

Reducing Chlorine Exposure for Young Children
Get out your watch. How many hours a child spends in a chlorinated swimming pool before age 2 appears to influence the risk of that child later developing asthma and nasal allergies. We've known for y…

Safe & Healthy: An important, often neglected, childproofing step
Whether your child is a baby learning to crawl across the floor, a toddler taking tentative steps of independence, or a confident older child, we pediatricians have recommended for years that parents …